姓名: 龙拥兵
1997.09-2001.06 武汉大学,物理科学与技术学院,物理学人才培养基地班,学士
2001.09-2006.06 武汉大学,物理科学与技术学院,光学专业,博士
2003.09-2006.06 中国科学院物理研究所,光物理重点实验室,联合培养
2013.09-2014.06 华南理工大学,材料科学与工程学院,教育部青年骨干教师, 国内访问学者
[1] Y. B. Long*, H. D. Deng, H. T. Xu, L. Shen, W. B. Guo, C. Y. Liu, W. H. Huang, W. T. Peng, L. X. Li, H. J. Lin, and C. Guo,Magnetic coupling metasurface for achieving broad-band and broad-angular absorption in the MoS2 monolayer, Optical Materials Express 7(1), 100-110 (2017)
[2] Y. B. Long*, L. Shen, H. T. Xu, H. D. Deng, Y. X. Li,Achieving ultranarrow graphene perfect absorbers by exciting guided-mode resonance of one-dimensional photonic crystals, Scientific Reports 6, 32312 (2016)
[3] Y. B. Long*, Y. X. Li, L. Shen, W. Y. Liang, H. D. Deng, H. T. Xu, Dually guided-mode-resonant graphene perfect absorbers with narrow bandwidth for sensors, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 49(32), 32T01(2016)
[4] B. W. Li, J. H. Zhang, M. Zhang, Y. B. Long*, X. He Effects of SrCl2 as a flux on the structural and luminescent properties of SrAl2O4:Eu2+, Dy3+ phosphors for AC-LEDs, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 651,497-502, 2015
[5] Y. B. Long*, R. M. Su, Q. W. Wang, L. Shen, B.W. Li and W. H. Zheng, “Deducing critical coupling condition to achieve perfect absorption for thin-film absorbers and identifying key characteristics of absorbing materials needed for perfect absorption”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 091109, 2014
[6] Y. B. Long*, Y. X. Li and R. M. Su, “Simultaneously improving optical absorption of both transverse-electric-polarized and transverse-magnetic-polarized light for organic solar cells with Ag grating as transparent electrode”,AIP Advances 4(8), 087143 (2014)
[7] Y. B. Long*, B. W. Li, Y. X. Li, W. H. Zheng, Q. W. Wang and R. S. Su, Investigation into the optical characteristics of the top-illuminated organic solar cells with graphene electrode, Journal of Modern Optics 61 943–953 (2014)
[8] Y. Chen; Y. B. Long*,; Y.T . Liu,; L. Shen; Y. D. Zhang; Q.G. Deng; Z.S.Zheng,; Yu, W. J. Yu; S. P. Ruan, “Optimizing the light absorption of graphene-based organic solar cells by tailoring the weak microcavity with dielectric/graphene/dielectric multilayer” Appl. Phys. Lett.. 103,063301(2013)
[9] W. J. Yu, L. Shen P. Shen F. X. Meng, Y. B. Long*, Y. Wang, T.Y. Lv, S. P. Ruan, G. Chen, Simultaneous improvement in efficiency and transmittance of low bandgap semitransparent polymer solar cells with one-dimensional photonic crystals, Sol. Energy Mater. & Sol. Cells 117 198–202 (2013)
[10] Y. B. Long*, L. Shen, S. P. Ruan, W. J. Yu, Y. Wang, Q. G. Zeng and J. Y. Luo “Top-to-bottom optimization of the optical performance of the tandem organic solar cells with thin metal film as interlayer”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100(10), 103304-1-103304-4, 2012
[11] W. J. Yu, L. Shen, Y. B. Long*, W. B. Guo, F. X. Meng, S. P. Ruan, X. Jia, H. S. Ma, and W. Y. Chen, “Semitransparent polymer solar cells with one-dimensional (WO3/LiF)N photonic crystals”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101(15), 153307-1-153307-4, 2012
[12] W. J. Yu , L. Shen , F. X. Meng , Y. B. Long*, S. P. Ruan , W. Y. Chen, “Effects of the optical microcavity on the performance of ITO-free polymer solar cells with WO3/Ag/WO3 transparent electrode”, Sol. Energy Mater. & Sol. Cells 100, 226-230, 2012
[13] Y. B. Long*, “Red and near-infrared absorption enhancement for low bandgap polymer solar cells by combining the optical microcavity and optical spacers”, Sol. Energy Mater. & Sol. Cells 95(12), 3400–3407, 2011
[14] Y. B. Long (龙拥兵) *, “Improving optical performance of inverted organic solar cells by microcavity effect”,Appl. Phys. Lett. 95(19), 193301-1-193301-3, 2009 Y. B. Long (龙拥兵) *, “Improving optical performance of low-bandgap polymer solar cells by the two-mode moderate microcavity”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 98(3), 033301-1-033301-3, 2011
[15] Y. B. Long (龙拥兵), “Optimizing one-dimensional photonic-crystals based semitransparent organic solar cells by tailoring reflection phase shift within photonic bandgap”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99(9), 093310-1-093310-3,2011
2) “高效半透明有机太阳能电池性能调控与优化”,广东省自然科学杰出青年基金,2014年10月-2018.10, 基金号:2014A030306005,在研;
4) “半透明有机太阳能电池性能优化和透视颜色调控”,广东省高等学校人才引进专项(高层次人才项目),执行时间:2014.01-2016.12,项目编号:粤财教[2013] 246,在研;
5) 基于扩展光源的光学元件设计及其在LED照明系统中的应用,广东省高等学校优秀青年教师培养计划项目,执行时间:2015.01-2017.12,项目编号:粤教师函[2014] 108,在研;
1) Long* Y. B., Su R. M., Wang Q. W., Shen L., Li B.W. and Zheng W. H., “Deducing critical coupling condition to achieve perfect absorption for thin-film absorbers and identifying key characteristics of absorbing materials needed for perfect absorption”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 091109, 2014,(IF5-year:3.142) http://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.4867646
2) Chen Y., Long Y. B. *, Liu Y. T., Shen L., Zhang Y. D., Deng Q. G., Zheng Z.S., Yu, W. J., Ruan S. P., Optimizing the light absorption of graphene-based organic solar cells by tailoring the weak microcavity with dielectric/graphene/dielectric multilayer. Applied Physics Letters 103, 063301 ,2013 (IF5-year:3.142)http://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.4817801
3) Long Y. B. *, “Red and near-infrared absorption enhancement for low bandgap polymer solar cells by combining the optical microcavity and optical spacers”, Sol. Energy Mater. & Sol. Cells 95(12), 3400–3407, 2011,(IF5-year:4.732)

1997.09-2001.06 武汉大学,物理科学与技术学院,物理学人才培养基地班,学士
2001.09-2006.06 武汉大学,物理科学与技术学院,光学专业,博士
2003.09-2006.06 中国科学院物理研究所,光物理重点实验室,联合培养
2013.09-2014.06 华南理工大学,材料科学与工程学院,教育部青年骨干教师, 国内访问学者
[1] Y. B. Long*, H. D. Deng, H. T. Xu, L. Shen, W. B. Guo, C. Y. Liu, W. H. Huang, W. T. Peng, L. X. Li, H. J. Lin, and C. Guo,Magnetic coupling metasurface for achieving broad-band and broad-angular absorption in the MoS2 monolayer, Optical Materials Express 7(1), 100-110 (2017)
[2] Y. B. Long*, L. Shen, H. T. Xu, H. D. Deng, Y. X. Li,Achieving ultranarrow graphene perfect absorbers by exciting guided-mode resonance of one-dimensional photonic crystals, Scientific Reports 6, 32312 (2016)
[3] Y. B. Long*, Y. X. Li, L. Shen, W. Y. Liang, H. D. Deng, H. T. Xu, Dually guided-mode-resonant graphene perfect absorbers with narrow bandwidth for sensors, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 49(32), 32T01(2016)
[4] B. W. Li, J. H. Zhang, M. Zhang, Y. B. Long*, X. He Effects of SrCl2 as a flux on the structural and luminescent properties of SrAl2O4:Eu2+, Dy3+ phosphors for AC-LEDs, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 651,497-502, 2015
[5] Y. B. Long*, R. M. Su, Q. W. Wang, L. Shen, B.W. Li and W. H. Zheng, “Deducing critical coupling condition to achieve perfect absorption for thin-film absorbers and identifying key characteristics of absorbing materials needed for perfect absorption”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 091109, 2014
[6] Y. B. Long*, Y. X. Li and R. M. Su, “Simultaneously improving optical absorption of both transverse-electric-polarized and transverse-magnetic-polarized light for organic solar cells with Ag grating as transparent electrode”,AIP Advances 4(8), 087143 (2014)
[7] Y. B. Long*, B. W. Li, Y. X. Li, W. H. Zheng, Q. W. Wang and R. S. Su, Investigation into the optical characteristics of the top-illuminated organic solar cells with graphene electrode, Journal of Modern Optics 61 943–953 (2014)
[8] Y. Chen; Y. B. Long*,; Y.T . Liu,; L. Shen; Y. D. Zhang; Q.G. Deng; Z.S.Zheng,; Yu, W. J. Yu; S. P. Ruan, “Optimizing the light absorption of graphene-based organic solar cells by tailoring the weak microcavity with dielectric/graphene/dielectric multilayer” Appl. Phys. Lett.. 103,063301(2013)
[9] W. J. Yu, L. Shen P. Shen F. X. Meng, Y. B. Long*, Y. Wang, T.Y. Lv, S. P. Ruan, G. Chen, Simultaneous improvement in efficiency and transmittance of low bandgap semitransparent polymer solar cells with one-dimensional photonic crystals, Sol. Energy Mater. & Sol. Cells 117 198–202 (2013)
[10] Y. B. Long*, L. Shen, S. P. Ruan, W. J. Yu, Y. Wang, Q. G. Zeng and J. Y. Luo “Top-to-bottom optimization of the optical performance of the tandem organic solar cells with thin metal film as interlayer”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100(10), 103304-1-103304-4, 2012
[11] W. J. Yu, L. Shen, Y. B. Long*, W. B. Guo, F. X. Meng, S. P. Ruan, X. Jia, H. S. Ma, and W. Y. Chen, “Semitransparent polymer solar cells with one-dimensional (WO3/LiF)N photonic crystals”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101(15), 153307-1-153307-4, 2012
[12] W. J. Yu , L. Shen , F. X. Meng , Y. B. Long*, S. P. Ruan , W. Y. Chen, “Effects of the optical microcavity on the performance of ITO-free polymer solar cells with WO3/Ag/WO3 transparent electrode”, Sol. Energy Mater. & Sol. Cells 100, 226-230, 2012
[13] Y. B. Long*, “Red and near-infrared absorption enhancement for low bandgap polymer solar cells by combining the optical microcavity and optical spacers”, Sol. Energy Mater. & Sol. Cells 95(12), 3400–3407, 2011
[14] Y. B. Long (龙拥兵) *, “Improving optical performance of inverted organic solar cells by microcavity effect”,Appl. Phys. Lett. 95(19), 193301-1-193301-3, 2009 Y. B. Long (龙拥兵) *, “Improving optical performance of low-bandgap polymer solar cells by the two-mode moderate microcavity”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 98(3), 033301-1-033301-3, 2011
[15] Y. B. Long (龙拥兵), “Optimizing one-dimensional photonic-crystals based semitransparent organic solar cells by tailoring reflection phase shift within photonic bandgap”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99(9), 093310-1-093310-3,2011
2) “高效半透明有机太阳能电池性能调控与优化”,广东省自然科学杰出青年基金,2014年10月-2018.10, 基金号:2014A030306005,在研;
4) “半透明有机太阳能电池性能优化和透视颜色调控”,广东省高等学校人才引进专项(高层次人才项目),执行时间:2014.01-2016.12,项目编号:粤财教[2013] 246,在研;
5) 基于扩展光源的光学元件设计及其在LED照明系统中的应用,广东省高等学校优秀青年教师培养计划项目,执行时间:2015.01-2017.12,项目编号:粤教师函[2014] 108,在研;
1) Long* Y. B., Su R. M., Wang Q. W., Shen L., Li B.W. and Zheng W. H., “Deducing critical coupling condition to achieve perfect absorption for thin-film absorbers and identifying key characteristics of absorbing materials needed for perfect absorption”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 091109, 2014,(IF5-year:3.142) http://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.4867646
2) Chen Y., Long Y. B. *, Liu Y. T., Shen L., Zhang Y. D., Deng Q. G., Zheng Z.S., Yu, W. J., Ruan S. P., Optimizing the light absorption of graphene-based organic solar cells by tailoring the weak microcavity with dielectric/graphene/dielectric multilayer. Applied Physics Letters 103, 063301 ,2013 (IF5-year:3.142)http://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.4817801
3) Long Y. B. *, “Red and near-infrared absorption enhancement for low bandgap polymer solar cells by combining the optical microcavity and optical spacers”, Sol. Energy Mater. & Sol. Cells 95(12), 3400–3407, 2011,(IF5-year:4.732)